Saying Goodbye (and Thank You) to ‘Walker’


At The CW’s peak, it was a network filled with teen dramas, vampires, superheroes, and two brothers on a mission to save the world, on which an entire generation was raised. I should know, I was there for it. Growing up as a 90s kid, I watched The WB (now The CW) throughout my pre-teens and teenage years, and eagerly awaited a new episode of Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl, Supernatural, or One Tree Hill. I watched as the Gilmores navigated a town in a place similar to where I was raised. I have specific memories of going through my core teenage years watching characters like Peyton Sawyer, and how the show really branched out my musical and literary tastes. Shows like Supernatural showed me the bond of family, whether blood or not. I have so many memories of watching these shows and it fueled my love of storytelling and television.

Nerds and Beyond was created in 2015 because of that love for TV and film. I had a keen interest in journalism, and being able to merge my love for television, film, and writing was a dream. I loved being able to analyze character choices and writing and also getting to talk about scenes that I loved with others.

I’ve been covering Walker since it was announced; finding myself intrigued by the story and the cast, after having watched Supernatural the last 15 years. I found myself watching the characters as they explored family issues, relationships, and loss, and relating more to the adults, being in my mid-30s now. They were raw, real, and human. They had family drama and were dealing with mental health struggles, and while yes, things were dramatized for television, there was a real heart to this show. It was different from anything else on the network, and it showed by the number of people watching in recent years, quickly becoming the #1 show and amassing an incredible fanbase. In an age where everything was superheroes, action, and reality television, this story gave way to feeling emotion, that it’s okay to make mistakes, and that it’s okay not to be okay.

Walker reignited my love of writing. I found passion and excitement in writing about theories and recaps. I reveled in talking to the cast and crew who absolutely loved this show, getting to pick their brains about choices made with their character, specific scenes or technical aspects, and how they were done. I got to know a lot of the people behind the show, and their passion behind it. Walker not only reignited that spark of why I loved television and storytelling so much, it made me a better writer.

There was just a different energy about Walker. Everyone talked about the show with such love and care, and the set quickly became a golden standard due to the treatment of their cast and crew. It was so evident that everyone cared about each other and everyone supported each other, no matter who you were — from the showrunner, Anna Fricke, to executive producers like John Patterson, Steve Robin, and Jared Padalecki — and the cast themselves — Jared, Keegan Allen, Ashley Reyes, Jeff Pierre, Odette Annable, Mitch Pileggi, Molly Hagan, Kale Culley, Violet Brinson, Genevieve Padalecki, and the countless other producers, directors, writers, actors, PAs, coordinators, and crew members that made this show what it was.

This also trickled down to their prequel spin-off, Walker: Independence, which carried the Walker legacy honorably and respectfully and created a beautiful story of their own.

Rebecca Brenneman/The CW

The fandom was unmatched, too. Following the lead of the cast and crew, the fandom truly became a family. They watched episodes together live (live-tweeting an episode with this fandom was a BLAST!), showed up when needed for conventions, and events, and continually raised money for causes near and dear to their — and the cast and crew’s — hearts. They were there for each other through times of need, and to celebrate each other’s wins. They loved the show, cast, and crew as much as the show, cast, and crew loved them right back.

At the end of the day, I believe most people — whether it be through storytelling, or many other professions — want their work to matter to someone… to create something that means something to someone. Without a doubt, this show did that. In four seasons, they touched the lives of millions of people, left their hearts out on their sleeves for all to see, and created a magic that maybe only comes around once in a lifetime.

Walker deserved better than a cancellation. We all know that. In the last few episodes, there’s been a recurring saying — don’t be sad that it’s over, be glad that it happened. And while the news that the show won’t continue is heartbreaking and disappointing, I’ll forever be grateful that it happened, and the friendships I’ve made along the way.

It’s never really goodbye, but, maybe see you sometime, Walker.

Walker‘s series finale airs Wednesday, June 26 on The CW.

Briar is the Editor-in-Chief of Nerds and Beyond. She has been running the site since 2015 with the goal of being a unique, professional news site dedicated to all the things she loved - and providing fans with the best content available. Briar oversees the day-to-day operations and runs all of the social media. She loves all things Disney & Walker. You can follow her @thebriarroseee.

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